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Providing Support to Your Sisters

Our tips for Pastoral Care;

  • What Can I do?; We all have limits and qualifications; it is good to remember what yours are and work within them (always refer to appropriate health professionals when a situation calls for it).
  • People before Rules; We should always place people before goals and rules.
  • What is the Law?; It is helpful to understand the mandatory reporting laws for your state.
  • We care for each other because God cares for Us; You are a guide and prayerful support, but you cannot fix a person – that’s God’s job!
  • Further Reading; John Patton, Pastoral Care; An Essential Guide, Nashville, Abingdon Press, 2005.

Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ


Our tips for Teaching;

  • Teach Truthfully; The ability to teach is a spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit, always be adamant to teach biblical truths without compromise.
  • Become a Storyteller; The Bible is the greatest story ever told – enriched through vivid descriptions, joy, hope, humour, romance, and truth – when you teach, think about how a story may enrich your teaching.
  • Teach from Testimony; As women we each have a unique and great love story with Jesus. Create your own brief (2 minute) “Jesus Love Story” that you can share with others, be sure to include the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in your life.
  • Teach the Gospel; The good news needs to be shared. Create a brief (2 minute) gospel message that you can easily remember to encourage and teach others.
  • Offer practical ‘How-To’ teaching; Be sure not only to teach the truth, but also to encourage women with practical and helpful advice – this will assist with the transformation of head knowledge to heart knowledge and can be used to help the process of breakthrough and transformation along.
  • Be Inclusive; When teaching it is good to use inclusive language such as “we” and “us”. This show’s that you are preaching to your own heart and does not put a judgmental rift between yourself and your sisters.
  • Use Honey Words; Be cautious of sarcasm, keep away from swearing or crude language, be mindful of your tone and body language. Ensure your clothing is appropriate.  
  • Say Thanks; Give credit where credit is due. We are all inspired by others and often share ideas and quotes we like or find profound, if they have come from someone you admire – acknowledge the source and esteem them.
  • Eyes on the prize; Use prompt cards if required to help you stay on track and share those key points of your message.
  • Hands up; It can be helpful to take questions at the end and not during your presentation.
  • Holy Spirit you are Welcome here; Plan but allow the Holy Spirit to move and re-direct you.
  • What do You Think?; It is always helpful to ask for feedback from a trusted friend, spouse, or church leader to ensure your message will be received how you intended, that it makes sense and is biblically accurate.
  • Not a Spirit of Fear; Do not be fearful of being challenged – yet think ahead of possible questions you may be asked and some helpful responses.
  • Practise makes perfect; Practise your message, film yourself and watch it back.

Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives


Our tips for Mentoring;

  • Have Courage Dear Heart; Be brave, resting in the knowing that we are all called to mentor those who are spiritually “younger” than us.
  • Be a Fisher of Women; Always be on the lookout for someone to mentor and trust God to send you a sister in need.
  • Where are all the Older Women in the Lord?; Are you in need of a mentor? Pray and ask for God to provide for your need.
  • Our Greatest Mentor; Jesus is a perfect example of a mentor if your lacking wisdom and understanding pray for God to pour out His wisdom and knowledge into your life and the situation.
  • Ask for a Vision; Pray fervently for your sister and ask God to give you His vision for her life.
  • Rely on the Spirit; Appease your weary heart and remember that while your fellowship and wisdom is valuable, it is the Holy Spirit who will do the transforming and teaching.
  • All things used for Good; Where appropriate share past experiences, trials and hurts which display Gods transforming and redeeming work in your life (if you are experiencing grief and hardship presently, it may be best to turn to a friend for prayer and support, not the individual you are mentoring). 
  • Keep it Life-Giving; Maintain healthy boundaries both emotionally and physically. You are supposed to enjoy the experience and if it feels draining something is wrong, ask God for direction and seek help.
  • Well Done Good and Faithful Servant; Your goal is to journey alongside your sister and assist her to grow in her relationship and knowledge of God, if this has happened celebrate and ask God for another blessing to journey with

These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure


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